Thursday, December 12, 2013

Brahmi Oil - Part 2: Study Cases

This post follows Brahmi Oil - Part 1: Presentation

Study Case #1:
I used Brahmi oil on a mare that was showing a high Pitta condition (anger, irritation). She loved it at first sight (and smell). It helped her to relax toward a peaceful state.

Study Case #2: I used Brahmi oil on a daily basis on a horse with a wound on back and belly from fly bites. After one week of treatment the skin was clean and soft and we could see the beginning of hair growth. After two weeks of daily treatment it was fully recovered with no more traces of wound.

Study Case #3: I gave Brahmi oil to an owner whose horse had a fresh scar from deep cut. It required 14 stitches.

After the wound closed she started to apply the oil daily on the scar for several weeks. Today (a few months later) there is no trace of the scar. The hair grew back, the skin is soft. Of course a really good care of the wound during the healing was an important part of a clean recovery.

Adding a few drops of citronella and lavender essential oil in the Brahmi oil will also act as a repellent during the healing period.

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